And It's A Hard, And It's A Hard, And It's A Hard Raaaaaain's A Gonna Fall...
Friday night's downpour led directly to Saturday's pulling up of the basement carpet, removal of saturated-with-floodwater padding (aka "cushion"), and Shop-Vac'ing of standing water. With fan & dehumidifier running o'ernight, this morning saw the spreading back out of the wet (but hopefully salvageable) carpet. Now, more fan & dehumidifier while I'm in the office. Then, this evening should be the roll-the-newly-re-dried-carpet-back-up-and-mop-the-cement-underneath-with-bleach-water stage. This will be followed by more fan & dehumidifier, and ultimately by installation of replacement padding prior to getting the carpet all the way back in place. Oh, and then comes a good shampooing of the carpet. And, then, back to our flood-free existence (knock on wood) without developing any mold.Back to work for me. Back to happier blogging for you, oh my lovelies...
Haahnster, you know how to live. But why are you at the office on Sunday?
That's horrible and I lived through it a few times at my old place. I bought a place on stilts and now? Seems fine.
You have my sympathies, I still have a hole in my bedroom's ceiling the size of a small Virginia ham, from past leaks.
Home ownership, nothing quite like it. Makes you want to rent forever.
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