Wednesday, July 11, 2007
About Me
- Name: haahnster
- Location: Illinois, United States
"It's easy to grin, when your ship comes in, and you've got the stock market beat. But the man worthwhile is the man who can smile when his shorts are too tight in the seat...OK, pookie, do the honors." - Judge Smails (Ted Knight) in Caddyshack
Just looking at it makes me, as Keef would sing, happy.
mY tyyyping is dab 'cause ThE finggersss aree stikkcy
Beth: Never kept a dollar past sunset/Always burned a hole in my pants..." LOVE IT!!!!
R.S. (coincidental abbreviation!): I've heard that "Brown Sugar" can do that to you.
That's shite!
Mine was bad, but yours was worse.
HEY! Leave the Haahnster alone. He's a working daddy in a new job. And he has excellent taste in music.
On second thought ... keep picking at him. It's funny.
"That's shite!"
Not exactly the brown I was going for...but, you're the doctor. I suppose that's where you probably have to stick your fingers most often. In fact, why don't you go give yourself a nice long exam.
Physician Heal Thyself?
One does not do DRE*s on one's self.
The lonely life of the colorectal surgeon.
*Digital Rectal Examination
What of that exquisite prostitute's trick of inserting a finger into the rectum to engage the prostate to hasten and increase the 'john's' pleasure?
Huh. I guess none of my whores have tried that on me.
Skipped all the classs in your Anatomy by Braille course did we?
Perhaps you did not remunerate your whores sufficiently? You get that for which you pay.
"Anatomy by Braille course"
They teach blind people that women have prostate glands?!?
It seems the whores know more about anatomy than the authors of braille textbooks.
If beth had attended her anatomy courses she would have learned that the female has no prostate. Accordingly, I question the usefulness of having her whores do a DRE on her. Anal "G" spots notwithstanding.
This line of questioning leaves me brown and round.
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