Monday, January 07, 2008

Adventures in Capitalism, Vol. 1

Sure, he's not generating wealth at Oprah levels. But, he does alright for a relatively goofy looking guy with a porn moustache and a giant, bald head, not to mention an accent that sounds more like a small town tow truck driver than clinical psychologist (or whatever the hell he's supposed to be).
Dr. Phil, we at Haahnster's Hallucinations (which is really just me) salute you. Keep churning out those self-help books, and I'm bound to buy one sooner or later.



Blogger Cup said...

I find him uber-cheesy now that he's jumped on the Britney bandwagon from hell.

9:46 AM, January 08, 2008  
Blogger haahnster said...

What took you so long?

Sorry, smartass here (as you well know).

Dr. Phil's rush to the hospitalized Britney's "aid" was a shameless act of self-promotion unparalleled in our time...outside of the primary campaigns, that is.

12:27 PM, January 08, 2008  
Blogger Cup said...

Ah, the year finally feels in balance, now that I've been snarked in a comment box ...

Having never been a fan of Oprah, I've never been enamored of Dr. Phil — and I plan to use this incident to get my mama to stop watching his show.

4:40 PM, January 08, 2008  
Blogger KK said...

Dr Phil is a Dick.

Nuff Said!

8:48 AM, January 09, 2008  
Blogger Cup said...

That's an insult to all the Richards out there.

5:56 PM, January 09, 2008  

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