Friday, January 04, 2008

Obama & Huckabee Win In Iowa?!?!!

Someone please explain some things to me...

I heard that Democrats turned out in about double the number of Republicans (like 230,000 vs. 120,000 or something like that). Yet, the chart I saw showed Obama "winning" with 940 to 744 for Edwards and 737 for Clinton. Exactly how the f-ck do they count votes in Iowa? I'm coming up with less than 2,500 there. Must be a shitload of 'undecideds'!!!

Question: Does anyone really believe Huckabee will be the Republican nominee? If not, does that imply that Obama's win is just as meaningless?

On to New Hampshire, another completely-unrepresentative-of-the-country-at-large state!!!

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Blogger Cup said...

I think it's going to be a roller-coaster ride of votes in the next few months.

10:04 AM, January 04, 2008  
Blogger Rob said...

Delegates not individual votes? Number of caucuses won, not voters or delegates? Really, who knows how they do it in Iowa...

10:25 PM, January 06, 2008  
Blogger haahnster said...

Beth: I agree, although Romney just won in Montana or Wyoming or one of those damned states...didn't make a ripple!!!

Rob: I forgot to mention the inconsistency between GOP and Dems. The chart with Huckabee winning showed something over 39,000 next to his name. That seemed likely to be individual votes. Who knows on the Dem side?! Iowa...what-the-hell-ever...give 'em their moment in the sun, I suppose. The mouth-breathing crackers...

9:26 AM, January 07, 2008  
Blogger Rob said...

Hey I am with you on the total ridiculousness of the Iowa caucuses. But...this year at least, I can't argue with their excellent political judgement! Hopefully the next completely-unrepresentative-of-the-country-at-large state does as well...

9:33 AM, January 07, 2008  
Blogger haahnster said...

Oh, gawd yes, Obama was the choice, and it was particularly nice that Hillary finished third, narrowly though it was.

McCain's impending victory in the granite state should promote increased disarray on the GOP side of the fence.

Life is good, no?

9:42 AM, January 07, 2008  
Blogger Cup said...

I think life is very good. Let's just hope our blue candidates don't shoot themselves in their campaigning feet.

9:47 AM, January 07, 2008  
Blogger KK said...

You'll have to get inside the caucus thing to understand those number. It's a farmer thing that makes as much sense as our electoral college.

10:14 AM, January 07, 2008  
Blogger haahnster said...

I love the smell of representative democracy in the morning!

10:38 AM, January 07, 2008  

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